25+ Powerful & FREE SEO Tools Online

25+ Powerful & FREE SEO Tools Online

  1. Whois Domain Lookup Tool: Perform a FREE Whois lookup on a domain name to see who owns it or to see if it’s available for registration. This FREE tool queries the appropriate Whois server for the domain name and displays the response which is a public record that anyone can see. In some cases, the owner of a domain name (the “registrant”) may choose not to have their address and contact information displayed.
  2. Domain Report: Check the status of your website(s) online presence with Google, Alexa, DMOZ, security sites and more.
  3. Broken Link Checker: Scans a web page that you specify and checks all of the links on that page to see if any are broken.
  4. URL Redirect Checker: This tool shows you if a site is using a redirect, and if so, whether or not it’s search engine friendly.
  5. Keyword Density Analyzer: Use this tool to check a keywords density on your site.
  6. Meta Tag Creator: Use this tool to create customized meta tags for your site.
  7. Advanced Meta Tag Generator: Use this tool to create customized meta tags for your site with additional options.
  8. Browser Details: view your IP Address/Hostname, Browser/Computer Properties and Browser Headers.
  9. IP Location: Shows the IP address of a domain and from which country it originates.
  10. Reverse IP/Look-up: Shows the IP address that a website originates from.
  11. Server Status: Shows the HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, and MYSQL accessibilty status for a domain name.
  12. .htaccess Ban Generator: This tool generates the appropriate .htaccess code to ban visitor(s) from your site based on their IP address.
  13. .htaccess Password Generator: This tool to generates all the necessary codes needed to password protect a directory or selects files within it on your site via .htaccess. It encrypts the desired passwords, then outputs the corresponding codes to put inside your .htaccess and .htpasswd files.
  14. Favicon Generator: Easily create a favorites icon (favicon) for your site.
  15. CSS Generator: Generate your own CSS style sheet code with this tool.
  16. CSS Generator (Advanced): Generate your own CSS style sheet code with this tool with additional options.
  17. HTML Converter: Converts text will be converted to PHP, ASP, and JS.
  18. HTML Encrypter: Hide all your HTML source code to prevent your code from being stolen by other webmasters.
  19. HTML Optimizer: Remove all the extra white spacing in your HTML website. This will optimize your sites for faster load speed
  20. Color Converter: Gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX). Use it to convert your colors and prepare your graphics and HTML web pages.
  21. Crontab Entry Generator: The crontab command, is usedin Unix/Linux to schedule commands to be executed periodically.
  22. Drop Down Menu Maker: Easily create a custom dropdown menu in a flash.
  23. Email Encrypter: Use this tool to hide your address from spammers while still allowing visitors on your web site to contact you.
  24. Table Maker: Create a custom table to add to your websites.
  25. Websafe Color Tool: This tool calculates the closest color in the 216 color web-safe palette to the hex colour that you specify.
  26. Spider View Tool: Shows how search engine spiders view your website and displays the number of times your keyword is seen to spiders.
  27. Meta Tag Viewer Tool: See the way spiders read meta data listed within a website.

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Organic SEO Tips

Organic SEO Tips shares information, tips, tricks and downloads, including FREE downloads, for Google search presence (amongst other search engines) using SEO, SEM, Online Marketing, Websites, Social Media, etc. Bookmark our site or follow us on Facebook to stay up to date.