Check the status of your website(s) online presence for FREE with our FREE Domain Report Tool!
With one simple and completely FREE SEO online tool, receive your domain report in real-time.
The FREE Domain Report shows:
- Google indexed pages
- Google inbound links
- Alexa Rank
- Alexa inbound links
- DMOZ listing
- SiteAdvisor rating
- WOT (Web of Trust) rating
- Domain age
You can click on the results to explore the information further.
This is a great FREE SEO Tool to use daily without hurting your site and to keep in the know!
What does “Google indexed pages” mean?
The number of pages from your site/blog Google has indexed.
What does “Google inbound links” mean?
The number of external links Google sees linking to your site/blog.
What does “Alexa Rank” mean?
Alexa’s report of reach and page views of your site/blog.
What does “Alexa inbound links” mean?
The number of external links Alexa sees linking to your site/blog.
What does “DMOZ listing” mean?
The number of listings on DMOZ’s WWW open-directory.
What does “SiteAdvisor rating” mean?
Shows if your site/blog is marked as spyware, adware, spam, fraud, identity theft, etc.
What does “WOT rating” mean?
Shows the reputation of your site/blog.
What does “Domain age” mean?
Shows the length of time that domain name has been created/registered/active.
Click here to Get Started with Your Domain Report for FREE