FREE Emoji Tip For Website & Social Media Use

Add Emojis to your website, Facebook, Instagram, ALL Social Media, Public Ads, Marketing and more for FREE!

Unicode Emoji Table

Not all Emojis display correctly when browsing the Internet using a desktop/laptop…but there’s a workaround!

How do I add Emojis to my website, social media and public ad places like Craigslist? By using the “original” Emoji characters created in 1987 called Unicode.

What is Unicode?

Unicode is an international encoding standard for use with different languages and scripts, by which each letter, digit, or symbol is assigned a unique numeric value that applies across different platforms and programs. Click here to read more.

Using Unicode as a placement of an emoji will actually display some of the Emojis from a cell phone’s keyboard correctly.

For example:

Unicode Phone

Unicode Phone Character added on your website or a social media post.

Emoji Phone

Emoji of Red Phone displays on a device with Emoji keyboard installed.







Click here to Get Started with using Unicode as Emojis for FREE

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Organic SEO Tips

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