FREE Favicon Tool

FREE Favicon Generator

FREE Favicon Tool

What is a favicon?

A favicon, or favorite icon, is small little icon used to identify your blog/site in a browser. You most frequently see a favicon in a browser’s address bar or within a browser tab. It also is used when you bookmark a blog/site.

Create a Favicon for your blog/site for FREE! It’s simple, the steps include:

  • Select the image you’d like as your favicon
  • Click the upload button
  • Select the standard size: 16px
  • Download your new free favicon
  • Upload the image to your site/server
  • Add the simple one line code provided within your sites <head> section
  • That’s it! Refresh your page to see your new custom favicon

Having a Favicon for your blog/site is great marketing and branding practice.

Click here to Generate Your Favicon for FREE

About Organic SEO Tips
Organic SEO Tips

Organic SEO Tips shares information, tips, tricks and downloads, including FREE downloads, for Google search presence (amongst other search engines) using SEO, SEM, Online Marketing, Websites, Social Media, etc. Bookmark our site or follow us on Facebook to stay up to date.